Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Preaching Truth to Power

 I am so glad I tuned in the National Cathedral Prayer Service for National Unity this morning. I always enjoy the pageantry of the National Cathedral. It's interesting to see the heads of so many of the religions in our country and to see how they robe or don't robe for such an auspicious occasion. I have to say, the Episcopal crowd are as berobed as any and the LDS representative in his tailored suit was pretty basic. 

But appearances aside, the church folk were unanimous in their calls on behalf of the poor and downtrodden, women and LGBT+ folk, immigrants documented and not. There were many calls for justice, but none so clear as the sermon by Bishop Mariann Budde. She truly preached truth to power, speaking directly to the President calling on him to consider those made insecure by his actions. I was so proud of her and now I worry if he'll find some form of retribution against her and our denomination.

I wish I had a transcript of her sermon because it was so soft, yet powerful. She called for unity as one might expect, but she was specific in three areas where unity is crucial.

So, to the National Cathedral and all the religious leaders and the people who worked so hard on prayers and music, I thank you. It was just what I needed.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

These United States

It's hard to believe I've been blogging for 16 years. I vividly remember writing my first blog after the inauguration of Barack Obama. Now, it's the eve of Donald Trump's second inauguration and we're in a very different place.

Eleven or so years ago, I started a blog that I didn't publish:

I'm wondering what the founding fathers would react to what has become of the colonies become states within the United States. The clear delineation between state matters and federal matters has become muddled by states deciding federal laws are in appropriate locally, by federal lawmakers wanting uniformity, by interstate commerce and the even broader world of international trade including the internet.

Now, I'm wondering what the founding fathers would say about the Supreme Court deciding that the President has immunity from prosecution which led to a President fomenting insurrection, disrespecting State secrets, etc. I bet they'd have a lot to say about a President claiming dictatorship and forming a shadow cabinet.

So no, this country has being tiptoeing to the edge for a while now. I don't know what I can do. Many of my friends are going into a strange form of isolation, no news programming, newspapers, etc., which seems like a head in the sand solution. If I can't see it or hear about it, it doesn't exist. Some of my friends are pretending that practicing random acts of kindness will make things better. I mean, it doesn't hurt, but it won't save my social security checks or preserve access to health care for my nephew or nieces or their children. I have a journalism background that connects me to wanting to know what's happening and letting others know what I've learned. It is all a challenge, isn't it? Despite our incoming President's threats, we really don't know what he will do. If past is prologue, he won't carry through on much of anything except defaming a lot of innocent people. Because he can. Because the Supreme Court said the US Constitution doesn't apply to Donald Trump. 

What are you doing in these times?